Important Seed Testing Updates

Seed Sample Storage Rules
As follow up to the discussion at the 2018 Summer Convention, the rule proposed by Sharon Davidson to eliminate reference to germination in the storage section was incorporated and passed on the floor at the June AOSA meeting.

Palmer Amaranth
We have confirmed that Indiana will remove the Amaranthus spp. from its noxious weed seeds list, for the time being. That they are focusing on Amaranthus as a whole species, rather than just Palmer amaranth, is a huge concern for Oregon. Water hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) is becoming a major issue there, in addition to Palmer amaranth. They do not have the resources to deal with them separately, and for the benefit of their industry and consumers, they are attempting a blanket add of all species to the list.

Note that Wyoming lists it as a weed in the Appendix and it should be considered noxious. There will be a stop sale in that state if downy brome is found in excess of 1,200 per lb. (You would have to find a ton to get to that level, but none the less, it is considered noxious.)

ODA will move forward per OSA membership’s request to add Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer amaranth) to the Oregon noxious weed seed list.

USDA has updated the All States Noxious several times lately. PLEASE use the most current one here:

Canada M & P changed the pure seed definition for Lolium and Festucas. If seed is going to Canada, AOSA rules usually give higher purity if retested in Canada. But seed tested by M & P which then comes to the states could have a significant difference in inert level change. As an example, one lab noticed a 3% higher inert when tested under AOSA rules. It has been customary to ‘convert’ the purity and just conduct a Canadian noxious test when requested. However, if the sample has high floret levels, it might benefit you to request a purity by M & P.