OSA Memorial Scholarship

This award was established to honor the memories of leaders of the seed industry and to recognize their commitment and service to the Oregon Seed Association, including:

Larry McKennon founded Great Western Seed in 1961 as a subsidiary of Lofts Seed of Bound Brook, New Jersey. When they (the Lofts and Larry) decided to form the company, they celebrated with a bottle of Great Western Champagne and decided that was a pretty good name for the seed company! Larry died prematurely at the age of 40 of septicemia in 1976.

Dennis Hays served as the Executive Vice President of the Oregon Seed [Trade] Association for over 35 years, until he passed away on January 22, 2011. He was instrumental in the growth of this association.

OSA will interview and award no less than $1,500 scholarship(s) to a student or students who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a relative of a current OSA member in good standing.
  • Must be attending or planning to attend a college, university, or trade school the next academic year.
  • Must be enrolled or plan to be enrolled in a program leading to at least a BA or BS or trade school certificate.
  • Did not receive a Memorial Scholarship from OSA for the previous year.

The applicants will be rated based on the following:

  • Academic history – GPA and strength of classes; are they a good student?
  • Non-academics and community involvement – contributions to society.
  • Completion of Application including Attachments.

Application Deadline

  • April 30 (Awarded in June)

OSA/OSU Scholarship

This award was established to assist those in need who are seeking higher education within the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University. The Crop and Soil Science scholarship committee coordinates these nominations.

Oregon State University nominates qualified applicant(s). The award amounts vary, depending on available funding. Students are selected for the scholarship based on some of the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University
  • Academic record (transcripts) and financial need
  • Course of study and its relevance to the grass seed industry—production, improvement or a marketing interest; likelihood of making a positive contribution to our industry.

How to Apply

In order to qualify, applicants must be nominated and provide the following qualifications:

  • Furnish academic transcripts of high school or college grades for year prior to application
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from his/her immediate advisor, supervisor, or counselor
  • Submit a personal letter explaining his/her need and general outline of past personal qualifications and future plans toward an agricultural vocation
  • Complete and submit the OSU scholarship application as provided by Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Application Deadline

  • Students must be nominated, which takes place in late September/early October (awarded in January).

William Kent Wiley, Jr. Memorial Fellowship

This award was established in 1993 in memory of Kent Wiley, a well-respected co-founder of Pickseed West, Inc. A great supporter of the seed industry in the Pacific Northwest and worldwide, and dedicated to working with professional seed growers, he developed the research department of Pickseed West, a leader in the development and release of modern cultivars of turf grasses.

The award amount varies depending on available funds, which are managed by the OSU Foundation. OSA will award one scholarship to a student who meets the following criteria:

  • Graduate student in Crop and Soil Science
  • First preference for U.S. and Canadian students specializing in grass seed science
  • The students’ research shall address the needs of the grass seed industry.

How to Apply

Oregon State University recommends, nominates and endorses qualified graduate student applicants for the OSA Scholarship Committee to interview. In order to qualify, applicants must have or provide the following qualifications:

  • The first preference is for US and Canadian students specializing in grass seed science.
  • Attach a copy of Program of Study
  • Attach a copy of Research Proposal
  • Complete and submit the Kent Wiley Fellowship Application (provided by CSS).

Application Deadline

  • Students must be nominated, which takes place in late October (awarded in January).

For more information on the OSA scholarship program, please contact OSA at info@oregonseed.org.

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