Oregon Seed Council Update-May 29, 2013

I attended the Oregon Seed Council meeting last night with Bryan Muntz, and have prepared the following update. If you have any questions about the following, please do not hesitate to call: 503-858-4416.

Updates from the Commissions and the OSC committees were brief, and some had no report to offer at all. A bulk of the conversation revolved around slug control and different associations outside of the seed industry that may have an interest in battling slugs with us. Cattlemen were specifically mentioned as they see a substantial annual loss associated with slugs. This led to a conversation about an endowed professorship at OSU that would focus on entomology.

I updated the Oregon Seed Council on several items: I noted that the new OSA website had gone live; I noticed a few people jotting down the website URL and we did receive positive feedback from those who had already been to look at the new site. I noted that the OSA web link was not on the OSC website and that we would like to have that issue fixed as soon as possible. I noted that we are watching for unfriendly ballot measures being submitted to the Oregon Secretary of State’s office that seek to regulate the seed industry from the citizen level. The Summer Convention was brought up, as well as our effort to put together a summary that demonstrates the economic benefit of the seed industry to Oregon.

I have attached the OSU Update as it is always presented in hard copy.

Ron Pence with the Department of Ag was present. He noted that there is currently one slow pay no pay claim that looks like it is going to the license suspension stage. Pence noted that the seed contracting law that passed in 2011 did have a part to play in giving the Department the authority to fully investigate, work on mitigating the issue between the parties, and ultimately make the decision to seek license suspension. Pence also noted that the department is working on an administrative rule associated with Rathayibacter Toxicus. I have attached the ODA Update he provided on a quarantine proposal to deal with the issue, should it become a problem. There was also a brief conversation about the consistency of seed sampling, which validates the conversations that OSA has had internally about how to develop a more reliable and consistent system of sampling. Pence ended his update by noting that the Department is now working on sending out phyto certificates via email, a process that they have asked OSA to engage in as well.

Hope you are well.

Greg Miller
Executive Director

Important update from ISDA

Please see the attached materials about the wheat issue in Oregon. Director Gould will be on the phone this afternoon reaching out to you. Our office is monitoring this issue very closely, and we are cooperating with our partners on the state and federal side.

USDA news release GE wheat 5-28-13

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,

Chanel Tewalt │Assistant to the Director
Idaho State Dept. of Agriculture
Office: 208.332.8503
Mobile: 208.830.7689


State board of ag to meet

The Oregon State Board of Agriculture will meet in Salem June 5-6.

On day one, the board will hold a round-table discussion with industry representatives on legislative developments. Also, the Oregon Farm Bureau will provide an overview of congressional efforts to reform U.S. immigration policy.

On day two, the board will hear from a panel on strategic efforts to implement Oregon’s agriculture water quality program. A second panel will present an update on the Food Safety Modernization Act.

A public comment period is scheduled for 10:15 a.m. June 5.

The meeting will be in the hearings room of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, 635 Capitol St. N.E.

It begins at 8:30 a.m. both days.

The meeting is open to the public.

Published 5/28/13 in the Capital Press.

Ergot warning issued in Eastern Oregon

The Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center is warning grass seed growers to be alert for ergot.

The alert notes that ergot spore production is coinciding with flowering in perennial ryegrass in the Columbia Basin.

Spores typically are produced ahead of flowering.

“When they coincide, then we have big ergot years,” said Phil Hamm, director of the center and a plant pathologist.

“Chemical protection of flowers during anthesis will be important this year,” the alert states.

Ergot spores replace seeds in infected ryegrass and bluegrass plants, create a honeydew that attracts insects, adds to cleaning costs and can increase disease pressure in subsequent years.

Growers can obtain partial control through use of fungicides, Hamm said.

Hamm said the station is researching additional management techniques, including a method to delay spore production in ergot until after ryegrass fields flower.

Published 5/21/13 by Capital Press.

Summer Convention Early Bird Sign Up Ends May 24th

We are just six weeks away from the OSA Summer Convention at Salishan, and we hope you can all attend. If you have not already registered, we encourage you to do so now. Early bird pricing ends May 24. Sign up now to avoid paying an additional 10% for registration fees. Convention registration forms and online registration are located at http://oregonseed2.pacwestweb.com/events/summer-convention/.

You will also want to call soon to reserve a room with Salishan. The block of rooms will be held only through May 26, and after that the unclaimed rooms will be released for general sale. Salishan will still honor the contracted rate for guests reserving a room after this date, but only if available. Call 1-800-452-2300, and make sure to mention Oregon Seed Association.

If you are interested in contributing as a convention sponsor, or hosting an exhibit table, please contact us soon. Exhibit tables are filling up quickly and sponsors get priority.

We still have some tee times available for golf on Saturday morning after the convention. Please contact John Cochran (john@turfmerchants.com) or Angie Blacker (blacker@pacwestcom.com) to sign up. Tee times start at 8:10 am, and the cost is $89 per person, which includes the cart. Please pay Salishan directly.

Please feel free to contact OSA at 503-685-7555 or blacker@pacwestcom.com if you have any questions. We’ll see all of you in June!


Sprague Pest Solutions Expands Its Portland Service Center

TACOMA, Wash., April 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — To meet the needs and demands of a growing market Sprague Pest Solutions has expanded and moved its Portland, Oregon service center.

The new service center features a 40-seat training center, 4,500 sq. ft. warehouse, 1,280 cubic ft. heat treatment and fumigation chamber, and a secured lot for onsite fumigation of equipment and trailers up to 53 ft. in length.

“The additional space allows us to expand our heating and fumigation service capabilities and provide a valuable service to our clients, especially those involved in food processing, distribution and agriculture,” says Brian Kalbfleisch, Sprague district manager for Oregon and Southwest Washington. “We can service small lot shipments, bins and equipment used in food processing, farm equipment as well as furniture that is infested with bed bugs.”

To read more, visit the Wall Street Journal.

Fire destroys Canby grass seed company building

A Canby-based grass seed company’s building was destroyed in a fire Thursday morning that required about 40 firefighters from several different agencies to put it out.

The two-alarm fire broke out around 11:30 a.m. at the Rose Agri-Seed building located at 29975 S Barlow Road, said Todd Gary, deputy fire marshal at the Canby Fire Department. Gary, also the lead investigator on the blaze, said it started after a machine that dries grass seeds caught fire. No one was injured.

Several factors complicated firefighters’ efforts to put the fire out, Gary said. Visibility was low from heavy smoke and the 2400-square-foot building had no windows. Four propane tanks inside the building also caught fire, and the building’s roof collapsed shortly after crews arrived.

To read more, visit The Oregonian

Budget softens cuts to services

SALEM — Democrat and Republican budgets released March 4 include 10 percent increases in natural resource agency funding, marking the first time in more than a decade they could receive boosts in general funds.

The Democrats’ budget also includes $5.7 million more for Oregon State University’s statewide public services than what Gov. John Kitzhaber recommended in his budget.
The Republican budget did not address the statewide services.

To read more, visit Capital Press.

Barenbrug Turf Star

Barenbrug Turf Star, The Trusted Choice for Rose Bowl Stadium: For the past 20 years, Pasadena’s historical Rose Bowl Stadium has chosen Barenbrug’s Turf Star Perennial Ryegrass for their over-seeding needs. This ‘on the field’ relationship has involved many a great Rose Bowl game, including the Oregon Ducks 2012 win over Wisconsin. Featuring three top-performing Oregon perennial ryegrasses, Turf Star is a proven performer when the game’s on the line, but still provides the needed uniform spring transition back to the Rose Bowl’s bermudagrass base as temperatures warm. Barenbrug USA and the Rose Bowl… a twenty year tradition of partnership and performance.