
Chair: Terri Burr, Pennington Seed

The Associates Committee is planning to offer workshops for OSA member companies the afternoon of January 20, 2021, the day before the 2021 Mid-Winter Meeting, at Boulder Falls (the same location as the meeting the next day). These workshops are aimed at employees whose jobs would directly benefit from attending.

Workshop topics are slated to include three blocks that run at the same time:

  • Block 1
    • Pest Management Core Credits, presented by Sprague Pest Solutions: Two 2-hour blocks (4 hours of core credits)
  • Block 2
    • Export Documentation and Letters of Credit, presented by Double-River Forwarding, LLC: 30 minutes
    • New Rules and Regulations, RAC update, presented by ODA: 1 hour
    • Interpreting and Using Test Reports, presented by OSU Seed Lab: 1 hour
    • How to Keep a Seed Analyst Happy, presented by AgriSeed Testing: 1 hour
  • Block 3
    • Blocking and Bracing Loads, presented by MODE Transportation: 2 hours (at Pennington Seed, nearby)
    • Machinery Lubrication Fundamentals, presented by Schaeffer, Mfg.: 1 hour

You will be receiving a link to a survey shortly as we work to finalize the workshop schedule and arrangements.